Thanksgiving Activity and Song–Thankful Turkeys

I started this Thankful Turkey tradition before Thanksgiving last year and really liked it.  I found a turkey picture online and cut off the tail.  Then I hung it on a cupboard in the dining room and cut a bunch of “feathers” out of construction paper.  Every day before dinner, everyone would share something that they are thankful for and write it on a feather, then we added it to his tail.  By Thanksgiving, the turkey’s tail covered the cupboards and we had all spent some time every day focusing on our blessings instead of our struggles.  This year, the first three days of “thankfullness,” Curly said that she was thankful for the letter M, soft pillows, and chapstick.

Here is a wonderful song to teach along with the compulsive thank you turkey.  The recording on this site is hilarious and cheesy and the song is great to show how we can and should be thankful for every little thing we are given.

Thank You Lord for Giving Us Life
Thank you Lord for giving us (something).
Thank you Lord for giving us (something).
Thank you Lord for giving us (something).
Right where we are!

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